September 2024 Employee Spotlight with Priyanshi Bharadwaj
Sep 5, 2024

September 2024 Employee Spotlight with Priyanshi Bharadwaj

Priyanshi Bharadwaj

Business Operations Coordinator

For this month's employee spotlight, FPC had the pleasure to sit down with Priyanshi Bharadwaj, our Business Operations Coordinator. Priyanshi is a very responsive team player who uses time management to her advantage to prioritise and complete specific tasks to ensure the business operations runs smoothly. She is a key part of our business operations team and handles many key business functions to support business development and successful completion of projects. 

Throughout this employee spotlight, Priyanshi shares details on her professional career, along with personal interests beyond the workplace that make her the valued member of the team that she is.

What unique aspect of FPC's work culture or values do you find most inspiring or beneficial to your professional growth?

What stands out to me about FPC Global’s culture is the strong focus on teamwork and high professional standards. I’ve always enjoyed working in collaborative environments where everyone is working together towards a common goal. The global and cross-functional aspects of this role fit well with my career goals and offer me a chance to improve my organizational and time management skills in a fast-paced, tech-driven setting.

FPC's value of accountability really resonates with me because I believe in taking responsibility for my work and always striving to do better. Being part of a team that values accountability encourages me to give my best and continue growing while contributing to the team’s success. This kind of supportive and high-standard environment is exactly where I see myself thriving and making a meaningful impact.

What do you think sets FPC apart from other companies in terms of employee satisfaction?

What really sets FPC apart for me is its strong commitment to employee well-being. They don’t just address work-related issues; they also support employees through personal challenges. For me, FPC has been a reliable source of support, helping me navigate both the highs and lows of my career. Whether it’s dealing with professional obstacles or personal matters, I’ve always felt backed up and valued.

This level of care fosters a positive work environment where I can focus on my job with greater satisfaction and motivation. Knowing that the company is there for me in every situation and that they genuinely care about my well-being, greatly enhances my overall job satisfaction and morale. This kind of support and backing from FPC makes me feel like an integral part of the team and motivates me to contribute my best work.

If you had to create a playlist that represents your work style, what three songs would be on it, and why?

"Work It Out" by Beyoncé

This song embodies the drive and determination I bring to my work. It’s all about pushing through challenges and staying focused, which mirrors my approach to tackling tasks and overcoming obstacles.

"Rise and Grind" by Lizzo

Lizzo’s upbeat and energetic vibe reflects my enthusiasm for starting the day and taking on new projects. It’s a reminder to stay motivated and productive, no matter how busy things get.

"Keep the Momentum" by Dua Lipa

This track represents my commitment to maintaining momentum and staying on top of tasks. It’s about keeping the energy up and consistently moving forward, which aligns with my work ethic and goal-oriented mindset.

Share a project or accomplishment that you're particularly proud of, and the lessons you've taken away from it.

One accomplishment I’m particularly proud of is inspired by my father, who is my role model. In 1998, he moved to Jamshedpur from Bihar to start his own business right after getting married. He worked tirelessly for more than 21 hours a day for over four years to build his company and provide a lavish life for his family.

My father is not just a good man; he is a gem. From him, I’ve learned invaluable life lessons about hard work, selflessness, and ensuring the best for my family. I’m committed to building the same life for my mom and brother, and I pray to follow in my dad’s footsteps, embracing the same dedication and resilience he demonstrated.

What's your go-to method for staying motivated and productive during challenging times at work?

During challenging times at work, my go-to method for staying motivated and productive involves a few key strategies. First, I find that drinking black coffee helps me stay focused and energized. Next, I prioritize tasks based on their urgency, ensuring that I tackle the most critical items first. To maintain accuracy while working at a faster pace, I carefully allocate estimated times for each task. This helps me manage my workload more effectively and provides a clear timeline for when I can expect to complete each task. By combining these practices—staying energized, prioritizing effectively, and managing my time—I’m able to maintain productivity and stay motivated, even when faced with demanding situations.

Who inspires you and why?

My mom and dad are my greatest sources of inspiration. The lessons they’ve imparted are truly invaluable and incomparable to anything else I’ve learned.

My mom has taught me the importance of respecting others, especially elders. Her kindness and unwavering respect for people have shown me how to approach relationships with empathy and gratitude. She has always led by example, demonstrating how to treat everyone with dignity and compassion.

On the other hand, my dad has been a profound teacher in understanding life’s challenges. He has shown me how to react and adapt when life throws unexpected situations my way. His ability to navigate tough decisions and persevere through adversity has deeply influenced how I handle my own challenges. His hard work and dedication are nothing short of remarkable.

They both have instilled in me a sense of responsibility to help others and make thoughtful decisions, even when support isn’t readily available. Their love and dedication have shaped my values and work ethic, making me proud of the person I’ve become.

In essence, the combination of their guidance, strength, and love has been instrumental in my personal growth. They remain my foremost role models, inspiring me every day to live by the principles they’ve taught me and to strive for excellence in all aspects of my life.

What do you enjoy most about your role as a Business Operations Coordinator, and why?

What I enjoy most about my role as a Business Operations Coordinator is the opportunity to handle complex processes, including transactions, purchase orders, and invoices while working across different regions and business functions. Collaborating with teams in the UK, US, and beyond, and managing tasks such as updating company records and coordinating project activities, allows me to make a tangible impact on the organization’s success. The dynamic nature of this role, combined with the responsibility of ensuring smooth operations through careful attention to detail and precision, keeps me motivated and engaged every day.

‍What is the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

The best advice I’ve ever received came from a friend who once said, “If you’re going to mess up, make sure it’s a spectacular mess—at least that way, people will remember it!”

At first, I thought it was just a funny line meant to lighten the mood. But over time, I realized there was a lot of wisdom behind it. This advice taught me to approach mistakes with a sense of humor and confidence. Instead of fearing failure, I started seeing it as an opportunity to make a memorable impression.

For instance, if I’m going to fumble through a presentation or accidentally set off the fire alarm in the middle of an important meeting, I might as well do it with a bit of flair and a big smile. It’s all about turning those cringe-worthy moments into stories that people will laugh about and remember for the right reasons.

This perspective has helped me embrace my imperfections and handle unexpected situations with a positive attitude. It’s a reminder that while mistakes are inevitable, how you handle them can make all the difference. So now, if I’m going to trip over my own feet, I might as well do it in a way that makes everyone chuckle and adds a bit of fun to the mix!

If you could travel back in time and give your younger self one piece of career advice, what would it be and why?

If I could travel back in time and give my younger self one piece of career advice, it would be: “Embrace every opportunity with enthusiasm and don’t fear failure.”

Looking back, there were moments when I hesitated to take risks or pursue new challenges because I was afraid of failing. I would tell my younger self that failure isn’t something to be feared but rather a stepping stone to growth. Each setback is a chance to learn, adapt, and improve.

By embracing opportunities wholeheartedly and viewing failures as valuable lessons, I could have accelerated my personal and professional growth. This mindset would have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone more often and take on challenges that seemed daunting at first. It’s about understanding that every experience, even the tough ones, contributes to building resilience, skills, and a more robust career path.

So, I’d remind my younger self to approach every opportunity with an open mind, to not shy away from challenges, and to remember that every failure is just another step toward eventual success.

What's a fun fact about you that your colleagues might not know?

Here’s a fun fact about me that my colleagues might find interesting: I have a couple of quirky habits. 

First, I’m really eager to get married early—there's no particular reason for it, but it’s something I’m excited about. 

Second, I have this funny habit of eating while I’m asleep. Whether it’s non-veg or veg food, I don’t remember it at all. When I see videos of myself doing it, I’m always surprised to find out what I’ve eaten! It definitely adds an unexpected twist to my nights.

Lastly, I love bikes. I ride Classic 350, but I love any bike be it Platina or even CD Deluxe.

In your opinion, what qualities are essential for someone to succeed in a role like yours at FPC?

To succeed in a role like mine at FPC, essential qualities include strong coordination with the team, promptness in responses, and precision in handling data. Given the volume of numbers and details involved, being accurate and efficient in data management is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and effective support across the organization.


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